Friday, 17 September 2010


sick with a cold...
sick with the usual crap...
sick with worry...
sick with worry something will happen on monday...

worried ill never get the chance to see you again...
worried that things will never be the same again...
worried that youre loosing the fight and loosing the will....

scared that youll want to give up......

wishing i could be there...
wishing i was there now...
wishing i could do something...
id give anything for this to not be happening...
id give anything to take your place.

id do anything to help...

feeling so helpless....feeling so sad...cos i know what youre thinking and its all wrong...
you HAVE to pull through to see me again....
you cant leave us now...i cant loose anyone again....

i cant help feeling this
i cant help you....
i can only do what i can and it doesnt seem enough....
i cant stop feeling like im being torn apart....
my heart aches when i think like this but i can tell youre thinking this too....

all i can say...all i can think sending all my love to you....